Making of Darth

You’ve arrived here because part of you (or all of you) is interested on how to DIY your own Darth Vader costume. Guess what? It is entirely possible. I had a choice between purchasing a ready-made costume or just hacking my way through a Build-to-Made project. The latter just seemed more appealing.

The thought here was pretty simple: to take a look at something in a much different way, taking ordinary household supplies from nationwide stores like Walmart, Dollar Tree, Five Below and turn these supplies into something meaningful.

Please note, this list, pricing, and product availability might vary per location. But you can use this as a frame of reference to get started on your own build.

Elements to consider

There are a few elements to consider when making Darth. There are actually a number of die-hard fans that have successfully DIY-ed their way through an entire costume. Because I was pressed for time, I purchased the mask for about $20. My focus was on the armor and chest box, the belt, and light saber.

(p.s. I’ll be updating this blog with more details, but please check out my Instagram stories for the entire play-by-play).